Wishing for a form of exercise you can thoroughly enjoy that combines all aspects of fitness in one class? Then it's time to try us out.
Movement to music is a natural place to start and, because our routines are based on effective principles and designed to continuously progress, you’ll improve without it feeling like work.
No special clothes or footwear needed; our friendly, holistic approach is for everyone whether you already exercise or not.
From correct body alignment and core strength to mobility and coordination, it’s not just about how you feel during the classes, it's about how it makes you feel for the rest of your life.
Come and enjoy yourself in a supportive environment, and work to your own level. You will be most welcome at any time.
notice board
There will be no classes running between 12th Aug and 8th Sep 2024.
Newcomer Discounts
If you have never attended one of our classes before, your first class is just £4.50. Please contact me for your discount code.
For those of you ready for a bit more, FLexercise Plus has been added to our Wednesday class. An optional extension to our main class, FL Plus will offer 20-25 minutes of choreographed moves for you to enjoy.
A series of recorded exercises are available to existing members (to supplement live classes, and to keep you going during our breaks). Available on the class booking system.
Breeze Exercise classes: www.breeze-exercise.com
MyCharleston classes: MyCharleston - Winchester | Winchester | Facebook
Best wishes
07715 435863
Click below for prices, payment and offers.
Find out about the principles FL Exercise teachers work to, and our inspiring history.
Click below for details of the classes and locations.
Titchfield Community Centre
Mill Lane
Titchfield, Fareham
PO14 4AB
Weeke Community Centre
Taplings Road
Weeke, Winchester
SO22 6HG
South Wonston Village Hall
Downs Road
South Wonston, Winchester
SO21 3EW
Wed 9.30am - Titchfield
Mon 9.30am - South Wonston
Thu 7pm - Weeke
See the CLASSES tab for term dates
07715 435863